Geranium Johnson’s Blue Vs Rozanne (Which One to Plant)

Geranium Johnson’s blue vs Rozanne helps to portray a comparative picture. Whereas the flowering period of Rozanne is less than Johnson blue, it is bushier in nature. When it comes to looks and color, Rozanne has a more white center than Johnson’s blue. The presence of white in Rozanne lights up the shade of blue. 

In the case of Survival or adaptability, Johnson’s blue beats Rozanne. In extreme environmental situations, it is often seen that Johnson’s blue survives better than Rozanne.

In this post, you are getting a comparative analysis between Johnson’s blue and Rozanne.

FeatureGeranium Johnson’s BlueGeranium Rozanne
Flower PeriodLate spring to the fall seasonLate spring to early fall.
Intensity Of Flower25 to 30 16 to 20
Size Of Flower  Diameter2 inches2.5 inches
White CenterLess white centerExpanded white center
Color Intense blueBlue
Petal Oval shapeRound shape
Size Of Plant HeightLess than 30 cmBetween 40 cm to 50 cm.
Adaptability Higher Comparatively low
Sunlight Can survive in shadeCan’t survive in shade

Difference Between Geranium Johnson’s Blue and Rozanne

1. Flower Period

The flowering period of Johnson’s blue is from the late spring to fall season. Depending on when you have planted, you will get to see the flowers on your plant.

Comparing the other flowers, the flowering period of Johnson blue might seem a long time. This comparison is also true with geranium Rozanne. 

The flower fluid of geranium Rozanne starts in the late spring and ends in the early fall season.

This means you won’t be seeing any blooming of geranium Rozanne during the fall season. This also means that if your garden has only geranium Rozanne then, you won’t have any flowering in your garden. 

2. Intensity of Flower Growth

The intensity of flower growth means how much flower grows in one plant. The intensity of the flower growth of Rozanne is less than Johnson’s blue.

In Rozanne, you will find about 16 to 20 flowers at best at a time. In Johnson’s blue the number can get up to 25 to 30.  

On the other hand, the flowers of Rozanne can be 2.5 inches in diameter whereas the flower of Johnson’s blue is only 2 inches in diameter. Thus in the flowering season, Rozanne looks more vibrant compared to Johnson’s blue.

3. Look and Color of the Petals

When it comes to the look and color it is quite easy to get, confused regarding which plant you are dealing with. Both of the flowers have blue color with a white center. They are also quite similar in size.

But there are some minor indications that will help you to recognize geranium johnson’s blue and Rozanne.

The petals in the Johnson’s blue are only sticking together on the roots. They are also not much round in shape. Also, the diameter of the white center in Johnson’s blue flower is not as large and visible as in Rozanne. 

In Geranium Rozanne flower petals are much rounder in shape. As they have a fluffy nature they tend to stick with each other on the edges. The white center covers almost half of the diameter of the whole flower. 

When it comes to the shade, the color of Johnson’s blue is on a darker shade than Rozanne’s.

If you want to distinguish them by color then these flowers need to be placed side by side to understand the shade difference otherwise it would get difficult as they are almost the same color.

4. Size and Height of the Plant

The height of Rozanne can be between 40 to 50 cm. Whereas the height of Johnson’s blue is less than 30 cm. But you can always influence the height of Johnson’s blue by not planting too many plants altogether. 

Even though the height of Rozanne is taller than Johnson’s blue, it is also bushier. Increase both of these plans in size he will just have to do more pruning. 

Pruning can actually increase the height and the size of Johnson’s blue. You will have to cut the axioms which have already been flowered.

Also running the dead and infected per increases the potential of the plant to grow in size and height. It is more effective in case of the johnson’s blue.

5. Adaptability to Environment

Both geranium Johnson’s blue and Rozanne are quite adaptable to adverse environmental situations. One single plant can even survive about three to four years in a row. 

Whenever the plants face extreme survival crises they try to recover by themselves. Especially in the case of Johnson’s blue, the survival capability is more prominent than in Rozanne. 

It has been seen that whenever there is excess rainfall or excess sunlight, it survives by being healthy. On the other hand, Rozanne gets quite lifeless in adverse situations even though it doesn’t die. 

In case of transferring the plants to a new area, Johnson’s blue takes less time to get adapted. Due to the movement of roots, Rozanne can die while moving the plant from one place to another. 

Therefore we can say that if you or someone who doesn’t have much time to look after your garden but wants some geranium plants then it is better to go with Johnson’s blue compared to the other geranium species. 

6. Sunlight Requirement

Geranium Johnson’s blue doesn’t care much about sunlight. It grows perfectly and stays in shape even in a shady place for a long time. But the story is not the same for Rozanne. 

For Rozanne, you must allocate 3 to 4 hours of direct sunlight in a day. This plant is heavily dependent on photosynthesis which requires more sunlight allocation. 

Taking Care of Geranium Johnson’s Blue and Rozanne

  • No matter which geranium plant you are sowing, lack of Sunlight doesn’t kill them but will turn their leaves to White. Therefore make sure that the plants get at least 2 to 3 hours of Sunlight per day.
  • The plants don’t need much fertilizer but a huge deficiency of Nitrogen can kill them. Also, Phosphorus and phosphate help to bloom more flowers. Therefore try to use 15-15-15 (Geranium Special), 15-16-17 Peat-lite, and 20-10-20 Peat-lite. 
  • As geraniums can get bushy, try to clean the weeds and parasitic plants. This will help to keep your garden more vibrant in color and healthy.
  • Try to maintain a moisture level of 70℅ to 80℅. This helps to keep any soil pests away. 

Which Plant to Choose: Johnson’s Blue Vs Rozanne

Every gardener has different requirements for their Garden. If you’re looking for a more blue complexion in your garden then you should choose Johnson’s blue.

But if you like to have contrasting colors then Rozanne is the better choice.

Also, the amount of time you have to allocate to taking care of the plant is also important.

If you think you have enough time to invest in your garden then go with Rozanne. Otherwise, Johnson’s blue doesn’t need much attention. 

Also, your decision-making process should include pruning and get rid of weeds. Rozanne is bushier than Johnson’s blue. Thus Johnson’s blue needs more pruning to get fluffy. 

Basic Requirements for Geranium Plants: Johnson’s Blue and Rozanne

Basic Requirement Scale 
pH of soil 6. 0 to 6.5
Sunlight At least 2 to 3 hours 
Temperature 60 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit 
Watering .5 inches to 1 inch per week
Fertilizer Must contain nitrogen 
Moisture of soil 70 to 80 percent 


What is the best blooming geranium?

Rozanne (‘Gerwat’) is undeniably the most famous geranium today and absolutely merits the honors it has gotten, including the 2008 Perpetual Plant of the Year and Imperial Green Society’s Honor of Nursery Legitimacy.

What can I plant with Johnson blue geraniums?

Grasses offer an extraordinary textural divergence from the delicate foliage of geraniums. The evergreen Luzula Nivea looks new and dynamic with Geranium ‘Johnson’s Blue’. Different grasses that would function admirably in a comparable semi-obscure setting are Millium effusum ‘Aureum’ and Hakonechloa.

What looks good with geranium Rozanne?

Rozanne can be joined with different blossoms to make contrast and visual interest. Her blossoms can be matched with energetic yellow, orange, and red blossoms like poppies, carnations, and roses.

Final Words

Now that you have got to know one for your garden geranium Johnson’s blue vs Rozanne, you can choose one for your garden. 

No matter which plant you choose, always remember that every plant needs a bit of attention.

Even though these plants can survive with less care, they will bloom at their best with proper nurturing.