How to Overwinter Lantana (USDA Method)

Lantana is a plant that needs minor attention. But overwintering lantana can be complicated as it is a summer plant of the Mediterranean region. To overwinter the plant outside, you will need to start the process during the summer. Here you will need to make the plant adaptable to minimal requirements to survive. 

In case of overwintering the plant indoors, you just need to follow some basic rules with everything you have in your hand already. 

In this post, all the process of overwintering lantana is described step by step. It is easy to contact as they don’t need any expert to contact or any instruments that you already don’t have.

These methods are followed by the United States Department of Agriculture and researched in several universities. 

Process Of Overwintering Lantana Both Outdoor and Indoor

1. Outdoor Lantana Overwintering

The process of overwintering lantana came into account through the United States Department of Agriculture. Lantana is a plant of the tropical region. They do not survive naturally with Frost biting during the winter season. 

USDA hardiness zone 9 to 11 means overwintering lantana through a minimal care process. This process is actually a combination of 5 steps that are described below.

Step 1: Stopping Fertilizer

When it is the summer season or at least the late summer season, the plant faces new growth. Stopping the fertilizer means it will let the new growth have some time to get Harden before the Frost season.  

This is actually a basic adaptability process where the plants learn to survive in tough situations. Process their nutrition with the small supply they have. 

Step 2: Continuous Watering

You will need to keep the plant watering whenever there is no rain for a week. Also before doing that take the moisture of the soil. If the soil underneath is dry, only then water the plant.  

Making the plant adaptable to soil moisture is used later on as a protector of cold weather.

Step 3: Use Mulch in Winter

During the winter season apply about 2 to 3-inch thick layers of mulch. Place the mulch between the plants to protect the roots. They will work as a weather barrier and keep the roots warm enough to survive. 

Step 4: Keep the Frost Biting Part

The stems that are already suffering from frostbiting should not be removed. Keep the stems on the plant until the spring season. This also works as a moisture barrier and helps in balancing the temperature of the planet.

Step 5: Water the Plant Deeply

When it’s winter and it’s snowing people might find it weird to water the plant. But it is actually a very efficient step to follow.   

Remember that moist soil retains heat more than dry soil. Therefore watering the plant will not only keep the plant hydrated but will also work the temperature barrier.

This is the most effective way to protect the roots from any frostbite. 

2. Indoor Lantana Overwintering

There are actually two ways of overwintering lantana indoors. Both of these two methods are proven effective in different research by the University of Vermont. 

Semi-Dormant Environment

In the semi-dormant environment, the lantana is planned both inside and outside periodically.

But for this process, your plant needs to be planted in a pot. Also, they should be shaped and maintained in a way so that they are movable.

During the semi-dormant process, there are some things that you must maintain. 


Whenever you are placing the lantana plant indoors make sure that it has a room temperature between 50 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

To balance the temperature you can also place some light around the plant. Yellow bulbs work great in giving a warm temperature. 


Place the lantana plant on the sun porch. In this place, the plant will get the sun it needs and will also have a chilly environment.

As you are not placing the plant permanently inside your home it also needs to stay habituated to the outdoor environment.

Watering and Fertilization

When the plant is already placed inside, it needs to be waterless than required. Just make sure that it has the moisture it needs and enough water to survive. 

In the case of fertilization, you should not apply any fertilizer during this period. Otherwise, the plant will need more sun and due to the lack of Sunlight, it will face stress.

Therefore it is totally forbidden to apply any fertilizers during the indoor overwintering of the lantana plant. 

In this situation, you might feel like the plant will face a lack of nutrients, but in reality, it won’t. They will be well-fertilized from the summer season. 

Set a Time Table

Keeping the weather in mind, set a timetable for the plan to move. If the weather forecast says it only snow tonight then try to keep the plant outside the home.

It is best to do this during the day when the sun is up and the plane can at least get some sunlight. 

But this movement is actually necessary so that the plant doesn’t turn into a house plant. 

Making Lantana a Houseplant

One of the safest overwintering of lantana is making it a houseplant. The process consists of 4 steps. Following these steps properly will help you to have a healthy lantana plant even during the winter season. 

Step 1: Plantation

Do the plantation of the lantana plant in a movable pot. Fill the pot with fertilized soil. Then plant the lantana plant at least deep enough so that it doesn’t show any roots. 

This has to be done in the late spring. This way the plant will get enough time to bloom by using its nutrients before an adverse situation arises. 

Step 2: Placement

The Lantana plant needs to have sunlight to survive. Therefore if there is a south-facing window seal in your home then try to keep the plant in that area.

If that is not possible then you can also place your plant in any place where it has a sunny window sill.  

It is important to maintain a temperature between 60 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit during the daytime and 60 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit during the nighttime. 

Step 3: Watering

Like any other household plant, you need to regularly water lantana. But before watering the plants check the moisture of the soil.

It should not get dry 2 inches under the root. During the winter season, this watering needs to continue in case the plant is already a house plant. 

Step 4: No Fertilization

The no fertilization rule is also applicable during the winter season even though the lantana plant is already a house plant.

Fertilizing during the winter means the plants won’t have proper factors available to synthesize the nutrients. This will cause more harm than betterment. 

Caring from Lantana in Spring

Caring for lantana during the spring season is a very important part of overwintering.

During the winter season, the plant has gone through a lot of adjustment that wasn’t its nature. Also, the plant blooms at its best during the spring seasons. 


During the winter season, we have kept the damage but for protecting the plant. But in the spring season, you need to get rid of all the Frost damaged stems.

Users sterilized shear knives to get rid of those parts. In the pruned part, you will see a growth of new stems and leaves.

Drying the Soil

The mulch that was used as a temperature barrier needs to be removed. This will help to dry the soil, lowering the moisture. Otherwise, it will start an infection in the roots and the stem. 

Remove Insect

Once you remove the mulch, you will see that there are lots of insects who took shelter. This will help to get rid of any pests that can cause harm to your plant.  

Apply Natural Fertilizer

Season do lantana doesn’t need a lot of side feeding but natural compost helps a lot in nutrition boost.

Apply any natural compost during the spring season over the root area. Spreading about 1-inch thick layer will be enough.

You can also use chemical fertilizers in gentle amounts. The use of slow-releasing fertilizers in wet soil helps to recondition the poor soil from winter damage.


During the overwintering, we used a very small amount of water. To hydrate the plant properly you will need to water it deeply, at least up to 2 inches per week.

The bottling of the service the compost to enter the soil and enrich it for future overwintering. 


What Is the Lowest Temperature Lantana Can Tolerate?

Lantana plants might get by in light ice, yet in the event that the temperature plunges under 28 degrees Fahrenheit or stays cold from here onward, indefinitely for quite a while, the plant will kick the bucket. Lantana flourishes in temperatures 55 degrees Fahrenheit or more. It appreciates the muggy climate and might actually make do with a salt splash.

Will My Lantana Come Back After a Freeze?

Lantana endures exceptionally light ice, however assuming temperatures decrease down to 28 F or beneath, the plants will kick the bucket back to the ground. Inside the solidness zones 8 through 11, lantana will return the accompanying spring from the roots. You can assist with protecting the root zone by spreading a 3-to 4-inch layer of mulch over the plants.

Can I Grow Lantana Indoors?

Lantana flourish in pots yet needs some kind of damp source. In the event that you will involve lantanas as houseplants, place the pot over a plate with water and shakes for dampness. They are very simple to become inside as long as they have sufficient daylight every day.

Final Words

After reading this post you will have all the possible ways how to overwinter Lantana.

If you start the overwintering process during the summer season or at least before the fall season then you’ll enter now and will be able to survive in winter Frost. 

In conducting this whole process all you will need is to have patience and follow the steps properly. These processes are very easy to execute and have effective results.

Best of luck on your overwintering lantana.