John Deere 310 Backhoe Won’t Start (7 Reasons + Solutions)

Your john deere 310 won’t start because of 7 reasons which are its battery issues, worn-out parts, fuel tank leakage, transmission problem, problem in gas cap vent, hydraulic pump problems, and lastly damaged cables.

Here, the most important issue is, if you don’t check the problem in time, the engine can get far more major issues that will eventually end up costing you a lot for the repair. 

If you are observant enough then you can easily trace back what is causing this problem to its root cause and just a simple trick can make the problem go away and get it to start. 

Quick Overview of John Deere 310 Backhoe Won’t Move and Fixes

Problems  Fixes 
There is an issue with your batteryFully charge the battery before starting and also check the CCA rating of the battery.
Machine parts have worn outMake sure your clutch and starter is well adjusted otherwise you have to replace them if they are very old and worn out.
There is a leakage in fuel tankFind out where the leakage is coming from and patch it.
The engine has transmission problems
  • Take out all the cables and clamps and warm up the battery with a heater. Then reattach everything back together. 
  • If it still doesn’t start, replace the solenoid valve.
The gas cap is pluggedClean out the hole of the gas cap. 
There is something wrong with the hydraulic pumpChange the hydraulic pumps and filter.Also, you can refill the tank with new engine fluid.
The cables are damagedReplace the cables and make sure they are perfectly attached. 

John Deere 310 Backhoe Problems and Troubleshooting

1. The Battery Issues

The engine sometimes won’t start if it has been left unused for a long time, especially during the winter seasons.

This is because the battery gets weak as the backhoe is not much used in the cold season for digging and all other activities. 


First things first, you need to make sure the battery is fully charged before getting it to start.

Your john deere backhoe will perform better and have a long life if you can warm it up every day or at least every few days for a few minutes because this will keep the battery from sitting out. 

After having your batteries fully charged if the engine still would just make a clicking sound, but won’t start then check the CCA ratings ( Cold Cranking Amps) of the battery. 

This indicated the ability of a battery to start the engine in colder temperatures. The CCA must be at least 1.2 volts.

2. Worn Out Machine Parts

Sometimes the engine can have transmission problems and it can shake or jump during shifting the gears and suddenly stop within a few seconds.

In addition, clunking or whistling, or screeching sounds can also come from the backhoe during starting. This can also cause problems while shifting into a different gear. 


In this case, if there is a grinding sound or some kind of shaking when using the clutch then it probably needs to be replaced.

Again, if the gear is somehow damaged or worn out then it will create issues while synchronizing and the engine won’t start. 

Sometimes the starter can be worn out or damaged and simply just changing the starter or adjusting it rightly can get you out of this issue.

3. Fuel Tank Leakage

Another thing you need to steer clear off is leaking fluids from the engine. You see, engine fluid helps to lubricate and smoothly run the engine.

Leaking of engine fluid is one of the most common reasons for both hydraulic and transmission problems.


This is very serious because if the fluid keeps leaking for a long time it can cause the engine to corrode and completely stop from working.

Also, the thing is transmission oil doesn’t burn off so if you read the dipstick and find the fluid level is too low then this means there must be a leak somewhere. 

You have to find the source of the leak and patch it. After that fill up the fluid upto a certain level and warm up your batteries for a few minutes then start. 

4. The Engine Has A Transmission Problem

After getting the fuel up to the right level and inspecting the gears and clutch if the backhoe still won’t move then you have to consider the battery connection.

Sometimes the battery clamps and cables can get loose or it can get somehow detached during winter when the engine is left unused for a long period of time. 


In this case, take off all the cables and take the battery inside your home and let it warm for a few hours in indoor conditions and then reattach all the cables and charge the battery completely. 

Or you can also use a torpedo heater  to heat up the motor directly from the backhoe from a safe distance. Also, make sure all the cables and clamps are wiped clean for better performance. 

In addition, keep in mind where you are keeping the backhoe all the time because intense cold and chilly wind can definitely cause the batteries to freeze out.

After inspecting the cable if it still won’t start then you have to check the ignition coil or solenoid valve.

It usually needs to be replaced after a few years. It ignites the fuel to start the engine so if it’s not functioning, it won’t heat up the engine and the backhoe won’t start. 

5. The Gas Cap Vent Is Plugged

This is one of the most common reasons why your john deere backhoe won’t start. 

There is a small pin-like hole in the center of the gas cap that sometimes gets plugged in. This one is a very easy thing to fix.


The engine will suffer if the gas tank cannot vent out the air properly. So, just remove the gas cap and take a small pin or pocket knife and clean out the hole of the cap and make sure the hole is clear enough to pass air through it. 

You can also try to move the steering wheel back and forth as the engine relieves the back pressure on the pump.

This way there is not much load on the motor while it starts and the hydraulic power is able to start the engine faster. 

6. The Hydraulic Pump Needs to Be Replaced 

When your hydraulic pump is making noises when it starts or leaks fluid constantly then it’s time for you to change the pump because it has worn out.

Otherwise, because of this, the engine will deteriorate faster than usual. 


The pumps will get too hot and everything will slow down gradually if you don’t repair or replace it in time.

But remember to make sure you replace the hydraulic pump with the correct model with the exact specifications.

On a side note,  it’s better to change the filter of the hydraulic pump along with the fluid as the defective pump can already introduce contamination in your engine system.

Because this contamination can block the filters and your engine will end up circulating unfiltered fuel that will damage the other parts of the machine. 

Meanwhile, this engine has its specific transmission oil that is specially designed to protect its hydraulic system. So, make sure you use the correct one.

7. Damaged Cables

Check all the connections thoroughly and also see if the cables are damaged or burned or pierced because that can happen to old cables due to high heat conditions.

Sometimes mice and rodents can cut out the cables at places when the engine is left unheated for a long time. 


In this case, you obviously have to replace them otherwise the backhoe won’t start because of the poor connection.

Besides, it’s good to change the cables every few years because a cable that looks absolutely fine can be highly corroded from the inside and cause high resistance and completely stop connecting with the engine.

Moreover, If the wires are disconnected then it will create shuttle shift problems too.

This will prevent the backhoe from moving forward and backward at the same speed with change of the lever. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of hydraulic oil does a John Deere 310 backhoe take?

John Deere engineers have developed their own hydraulic oil so it’s best if you use their Hy-Gard transmission and hydraulic oil.

What is the life expectancy of a backhoe?

Normally the life expectancy of a backhoe is around 12 to 15 years. After around 6000 hours the engine performance reduces by up to 20% and some parts might need a replacement. Again after 9000 hours around 50% of the components in an engine reaches their endpoint.

How much fuel does a backhoe use per hour?

Depending on how much the engine is working it can vary between 1.5 gallons to 2.5 gallons per hour. The backhoe will need more fuel when it’s running at full rpm.


Keeping regular maintenance work is very important. Because if you keep yourself up to date with everything then you can avoid major repair works that are more likely to cost you a lot.

When John Deere 310 Backhoe Won’t Start, some simple easy fixes can get you out of this situation. If you have a few tricks up your sleeves then you can start the engine like an expert.