John Deere 757 Problems (A Troubleshooting Guide)

You may have purchased a John Deere 757 knowing that it is a great mower. However, you’re experiencing some problems with this. And, you may also wonder about future problems.

So, without further ado let’s discuss John Deere 757 problems with proper solutions.  

John Deere 757 faces engine issues like backfiring, overheating, and not starting. Blade clutch failure, gearbox issues, and malfunctioning hydraulics systems are also common in this model.

Then, excessive fuel consumption and unusual fuel delivery occur. Moreover, some users experience smoke at starter solenoid and PTO isn’t engaging issues. 

Keep reading to learn detailed troubleshooting for each problem mentioned. Let’s jump.     

John Deere 757 Engine Issues 

Problem Reason Solution 
Engine backfires frequently Not using proper gasoline Use premium-grade gasoline.
Malfunctioning or dirty carburetor Adjust or clean the carburetor.
Engine overheats Clogged cooling fans Clean the fans.
Low coolant level Add enough coolant. 
Engine isn’t starting  Old gasoline Change gasoline.
Low oil level Add adequate engine oil.
Ignite switch failure Replace the ignition switch. 
Vibrates excessively Damaged bearings and gears Replace the parts.
Worn out belts Install new belts.

Problem 1: Engine Backfires Frequently

This is the most common problem encountered by users of this model. Engine backfiring is a phenomenon that occurs when there is uncontrolled combustion in the engine. 

Hence, there is usually a loud noise associated with backfiring, similar to that of a gunshot or explosion. A variety of factors can lead to Engine backfiring. 

Reason 1: Not using proper gasoline 

In most cases, backfiring is caused by using cheap fuel. Regular gasoline has come with many additives in recent years. This causes the engine to generate more heat compared to normal.


Fuels of a premium grade produce less heat and burn more slowly. The only way to fix this issue is to use A-grade (Octane rating 89 or higher) gasoline for JD 757.   

Reason 2: Malfunctioning Carburetor 

Next, poorly adjusted or malfunctioning carburetors can cause a bad mixture of fuel. As a result, the excess fuel cannot burn in the combustion chamber, which causes backfire eventually. 

On the other hand, a dirty or clogged carburetor prevents the engine from receiving the proper amount of fuel. Backfiring can occur when there isn’t enough fuel in the mixture.


A poorly adjusted carburetor needs to be adjusted properly to get over the situation. You can do it simply by watching this video. 

On the other hand, if the carburetor is clogged or dirty, you need to clean that. You can do it by following the steps. 

Required Tools:  Carburetor cleaner, a brush, and water.

  • First, remove the carburetor from the engine carefully.
  • Then, mix the cleaning solution and water. Use heavy-duty cleaners like “Berryman Chem-Dip Carburetor Parts Cleaner”.
  •  Scrub the carburetor with a small brush to remove dirt or debris. Small passages and jets are common areas for clogs to form, so pay attention to them.
  • Now, use an air compressor or clean cloth to dry all parts thoroughly. Finally, reinstall the carburetor. 

Problem 2: Engine Overheats

The John Deere 757 also suffers from frequent engine overheating problems. Several visible and audible failures occur when the engine temperature is higher than normal operating temperatures.

Reason 1: Clogged Cooling Fans

The leading reason is clogged cooling fans. When the cooling fans are clogged, they cannot dissipate heat effectively, leading to overheating of the engine.


Maintaining and cleaning the cooling system regularly will prevent clogged cooling fans.  And make sure the cooling fans are not clogged with debris due to leaks or other issues.

However, if the fans become blocked due to rust, you need to change the fans. 

Reason 2: Low Cooling Level 

Coolant levels that are too low are another major cause. The coolant is responsible for keeping the engine running at the correct temperature. If it remains at the low-level engine it gets overheated.


To fix this problem, make sure the coolant is regularly topped off. It can reduce other problems as well. Always buy premium coolant from their official store instead of aftermarket cheap alternatives.

Problem 3: Engine Won’t Start 

You can experience engine cranking but not starting if you have a JD 737. It can happen for a variety of reasons. 

Reason 1: Old Gasoline

A poor starting situation can be caused by old gasoline in your mower. You might need to check the Gasoline if your John Deere 757 won’t start.


Remove the old gasoline from your tank by completely draining it. Then, replace your old gasoline with premium-quality gasoline.   When disposing of waste, take safety precautions.

Reason 2: Low Oil Level

Your John Deere 737 may not work if the oil level is low on your vehicle. Also, if the oil gets dark, it might hinder the starting of the engine. 


Add enough oil if the oil level is low. Also, don’t forget to change the oil if the color gets too dark. For every 10,000 km of use, you should always change the engine oil.

Reason 3: Ignition Switch Failure

The cause of your engine not starting up is likely to be an ignition switch issue, which needs to be addressed immediately to prevent severe damage.


First, you should check the wiring harness. If you find them corroded, replace them. Then, look at the ignition switch, and if it looks damaged, replace it immediately. Check this video for the DIY method.

Problem 4: Vibrates Excessively 

Another issue is quite common with John Deere 757 and that is excessive vibration. Let’s find out the causes of this problem. 

Reason 1: Damaged Bearings & Gears

The most obvious reason for the engine to vibrate excessively is having damaged bearings and gears. Also, they could be misaligned too.


If you want to fix this issue, you need to check your gear for any visible damage. Replace them if you find any. Then, look for any signs of damage or wear on the bearing. You should replace them quickly if they are damaged.

Reason 2: Worn-out Belts

Belts or pulleys that are worn out can cause this issue, as well as other fatal outcomes. So make sure you check all belts regularly to ensure they are in good condition.


Worn-out pulleys are not functional at all. So, as soon as you find them worn, just replace them quickly. 

John Deere 757 Transmission Issues

Problem Reason Solution 
Failed blade clutch Broken hoses & wires Replace. 
Leakage inside the cylinder Repair. 
Gearbox issues Damaged bearing, gears and seals Replace. 
Low oil level Add oil. 

Problem 1: Failed Blade Clutch

The failure of blade clutches is a common transmission problem in the JD 757. The blades on a lawn mower or other equipment won’t engage when a blade clutch fails.

Consequently, the blades will not spin when the mower is turned on, making it impossible to cut the grass.

Reason 1: Broken Hoses And Wires

Lawn mower blade clutches can fail due to broken hoses and wires. The blades are engaged because of the fluid or electricity provided by the hoses and wires.

So, if the blade clutch receives insufficient fluid or power to engage the blades, it may fail.


The situation may seem tricky. But you can easily handle that by replacing the hoses and wires. 

Reason 2: Leakage Inside the Cylinders

Leakage inside the cylinder of a John Deere 757 can lead to a failed blade clutch because the cylinder is responsible for providing the power to engage the blades.

Also, if the cylinder leaks oil, it can contaminate the clutch and lead to premature wear.


If you suspect any leakage inside the cylinder, you need to diagnose it and repair the broken part with a qualified technician. 

Problem 2: Gearbox Issues

This is another common issue that occurs in this model. A faulty gearbox can cause the blades to not engage properly or to spin at the wrong speed since it transmits power to the blades.

Reason 1: Damaged Or Worn Bearings, Gears & Seals

Bearings, gears, and seals that are faulty or worn out are the main cause of gearbox issues. The issue should be addressed as soon as possible. 


The first step in fixing these problems is to check the bearings, gears, and seals for any signs of corrosion or damage.

If any parts are worn out or damaged, they need to be replaced immediately. Transmission is a complex part of your tractor, so always get professional help.

Reason 2: Low Oil Levels

Next, you should check the fluid levels in the transmission. Low fluid levels can cause gearbox problems.


Immediately tops off the fluid level if it’s low to fix the issue. The purpose of doing everything won’t be served if you don’t top off the fluid.

John Deere 757 Hydraulic Issues

Problem Reason Solution 
Malfunctioning hydraulic system Leaks in the system Repair the leak.
Air in the system Release the air. 
Clogged filters Clean the filters. 
Worn seals Replace. 

Problem: Malfunctioning Hydraulic System

John Deere 757 hydraulic systems often malfunction. When you push the levels forward, sometimes the hydros don’t move. 

Reason 1: Leaks in The Hydraulics System

The first possible reason is leakage in the hydraulics system. Leaking hydraulic fluid can result in a loss of pressure, which prevents the equipment from functioning properly.


To fix the problem, follow the steps given below:

  • Determine where the leaks or signs of fluid are coming from first. Then, drain out the fluid.
  • After you have identified the leak’s source, you must replace the damaged component. It could be a hose, a fitting, or even a seal.
  • After completing the replacement, flush the system to remove any debris if any. Finish the work by refilling the system with fresh hydraulic fluid. 

Reason 2: Air in The System

If there is a leak in the system or when the system is first filled, air can enter. A buildup of air in the system can lead to the foaming of the fluid. Later it can lead to a loss of pressure and a malfunction.


To get over the situation, you need to release the trapped air from the system. Follow the steps below to do that.

  • Start with opening the bleeder valve. After the air has been expelled from the system, fluid begins to flow.
  • Then, close the bleeder valve as the air has escaped and fluid is flowing freely.

Reason 3: Clogged Filters

System filters can become clogged with dirt and debris, which prevents fluid from flowing correctly. Consequently, the hydros don’t move.


The solution is pretty obvious in this situation. You need to clean the filters properly. Also, make sure to replace the filters if you find them worn.

Reason 4: Worn Seals 

If the seals are worn, the system will lose pressure and perform poorly. Also, damaged or worn seals cause friction, which reduces the efficiency of the system and leads to a malfunction.


There is nothing you can do with the worn seals other than replace them. So, immediately replace them once you find them.   

Apart from these causes, low fluid levels can cause malfunctions in the system. It is always a good idea to check the fluid level and add enough if needed.

John Deere 757 Fuel Issues 

Problem Reason Solution 
Lack of power Clogged filters Clean the filters. 
Air in the fuel system Release the air. 
Excessive fuel consumption Faulty injectors Replace. 
Underinflated tires Regularly inflate the tires. 
Unusual fuel delivery Clogged carburetor Clean. 
Fuel lines leak Repair. 

Problem 1: Lack of Power

It is the most common fuel issue that happens frequently in John Deere 757 models. It happens for a variety of reasons. Let’s get to know them one by one. 

Reason 1: Clogged Filters

Clogged filters are the first possible cause. Because the filters with dirt and debris don’t allow them to flow the fluid properly. And lack of power happens consequently. 


It is important to clean the fuel filters properly. Perform the task by following the steps below.

  • First, remove the filters by losing the fuel lines.
  • Then, clean the dirt and debris from the filter by using a brush. You can use compressed air as well to clean the dirt. 
  • Now, inspect the filter for any signs of damage or wear. If you find it damaged, replace it. Finally, reconnect the fuel line and install the filter again.

Reason 2: Air in The Fuel System

Having air in the fuel system can result in a vehicle losing power since it interferes with the proper mix of fuel and air that the engine needs.

A lean mixture of air and fuel can result from air entering the fuel system, causing fuel injectors to spray less fuel.


Check the fuel lines and connections for leaks or damage. Whenever a leak is discovered, you need to replace it. And the air already happened in the system, you need to release that. 

Problem 2: Excessive Fuel Consumption

Excessive fuel consumption is another big issue that users encounter a lot. Several factors can contribute to excessive fuel consumption, also known as poor fuel economy.

Reason 1: Faulty Injectors

The fuel injectors deliver precise amounts of fuel to the engine’s combustion chamber, where it mixes with air and ignites. Having faulty injectors can lead to excessive fuel consumption.


Want to get rid of this situation? You need to replace the faulty injectors with new ones. Head out to the nearest automotive garage for this replacement service.

Reason 2: Underinflated Tires

It is possible for a vehicle to consume more fuel if its tires are underinflated. If this happens, it can lead to this issue.


You must inflate the tires properly to reduce fuel consumption. So, check the tires regularly to avoid this problem.

Moreover, driving at high speeds and carrying heavy loads can significantly increase fuel consumption. So stop doing that.    

Problem 3: Unusual Fuel Delivery

Many users go through unusual fuel delivery. A carbureted or fuel-injected engine that departs from conventional methods, can induce other serious problems.

Reason 1: Clogged Carburetor

The main leading reason is having a clogged carburetor. Clogged jets or stuck floats can be caused by a buildup of dirt, debris, or varnish, or by a malfunctioning component.

Hence, a clogged carburetor can also cause blockage and impede fuel flow.


To fix the problem, you usually have to clean the carburetor. The procedure has been already described in the engine problem section.

Reason 2:  Leakage in Fuel Lines

A fuel leak can reduce fuel pressure, causing the carburetor or fuel injectors to malfunction. The result can be poor performance, reduced consumption, and trouble starting.


Fuel line leaks should be repaired as soon as possible to prevent serious problems with the engine and fire hazards. The repair job should be done by a professional. 

John Deere 757 Electrical Issues 

Problem Reason Solution 
Smoke at starter solenoid Faulty solenoid Replace. 
Damaged starter motorReplace.
Battery light glows when PTO engaged Faulty alternator Repair. 
Weak battery Charge or change. 

Problem 1: Smoke at Starter Solenoid 

John Deere 757 often goes through some electrical problems. You can’t ignore them. Sometimes you may see that smoke is coming from the starter solenoid. This can happen for multiple reasons. 

Reason 1: Faulty Solenoid

The solenoid is responsible for providing power to the starter motor. So smoke or fire can result if it is damaged or malfunctioning.


It is recommended to change the solenoid with a brand new one. Because you can’t repair the solenoid. 

Reason 2: Damaged Starter Motor 

Smoke can be released from the solenoid if the starter motor is damaged or worn out. Because the solenoid tries to start the motor. 


You need to replace the starter motor to solve the issue as soon as possible. It can initiate other problems as well. Always seek professional help for starter motor issues.

Along with these reasons, lack of enough coolant can lead to this problem. Also, if a starter solenoid is receiving too much current, it can cause smoke. 

Problem 2: Battery Light Glows When PTO Engaged

As a user of John Deere 757, the battery light may glow intermittently when the PTO is engaged. Since this issue occurs quite often, you should be aware of the situation.

Reason 1: Faulty Alternator

The primary reason could be a faulty alternator. While the engine is running, it charges the battery. So, if the alternator is faulty or does not produce enough voltage to charge the battery, this problem can occur. 


It is necessary to repair a faulty alternator in order to solve the problem. This task is severely complex and urges vast technical knowledge, so you must go to a professional technician. 

Reason 2: Weak Battery 

The battery may not be able to support the additional load caused by the PTO if it is weak or not fully charged. It can cause the voltage to drop, triggering the battery warning light.


First, you must charge the battery properly. If the problem persists, you may need to change the battery to fix the issue.     

John Deere 757 PTO Issues 

Problem Reason Solution 
PTO won’t engage Faulty PTO switch or wiring Replace switch.
Worn-out PTO clutch Change the clutch. 
PTO clutch kick off randomly Weak battery Charge or change the battery. 
Worn out shaft Replace. 

Problem 1: PTO Won’t Engage

Users of the John Deere 757 often face this problem. If the PTO shifts aren’t turning or aren’t engaged, this needs to be considered immediately. Mowers and tillers powered by the PTO will not work in this situation.

Reason 1: Faulty PTO Switch or Wiring

When the PTO switch isn’t working as it should, it can be a real challenge to get the PTO engaged.

Maybe the wiring to the PTO switch or clutch is damaged or corroded, which can prevent the PTO from functioning altogether. Also, the damaged PTO switch can lead to this.  


First, you should change the switch with the proper one. If it doesn’t solve the issue, replace the wiring.  

Reason 2: PTO Clutch Worn 

Another big reason behind this issue is a worn-out clutch. A worn clutch can make it difficult for the PTO to engage. 


Wear-out clutches need to be replaced in order to remain functional.

Problem 2: PTO Clutch Kick-Off Randomly

Though this is not a common scenario, some users went through this condition. No matter whether you’ve experienced it or not, you should know about it.

Reason: Weak Battery

If your battery is not having enough charge or the battery itself is damaged, it can lead to a kick-off PTO clutch.


The battery needs to be charged properly in order to get out of the situation. Replace the battery if the problem persists.

Reason 2: Worn-out Shaft 

The next probable reason is having a worn-out shaft. If the PTO clutch or shaft wore out excessively, it can lead to random kick-offs of the PTO clutch.


Replace the worn-out shaft to make the situation better. You can do it in your garage easily.


Hopefully, this article gives you a total guide on how to deal with John Deere 757 problems. The solutions have been provided, which would be a holy grail for you.

However, by performing regular maintenance, the frequency of these problems can be reduced.

So, happy riding!